The Covid 19 pandemic has changed everything including how we work. It has resulted in almost everything being done from home, including corporate calls, meetings, company activities, and anything else besides. So, you may be wondering, “How can I take headshot photos from the comfort of my own home?” I’ll share with you some tips that you may use to on how to take headshot photos from home to fast advance your career as a professional work selfie shooter.

1. Understand How to Present Yourself

One of the most important aspects of getting professional headshots is knowing how to present yourself. You must make an effort to look smart and professional. Your hair should be nicely combed out, and you should present a professional appearance. Make absolutely sure patterns are reduced to a minimum level since they can be quite destructive, and you want to avoid being sidetracked in any way.

You’ll want to make sure that the things you’re wearing accentuate your face without drawing attention away from it. When selecting colors, proceed with caution. Dark shades are the greatest choice if you want a better appearance as well as colors that are easy for the designers to cut out and paste into the corporate background once you have been photographed.

Colors that are too bright, on the other hand, might be distracting. If you are trying to blend them into the backdrop, bright colors might cause a number of challenges when it comes to editing. It is important to remember that natural makeup is the greatest option while applying makeup. In addition, use minimal jewelry, and don’t forget to express yourself through your style.

2. Choose a Spot

As soon as you are through with how to present yourself, it’s time to choose the perfect spot for the headshot pictures. The spot you pick is influenced by the lighting conditions in the area. Choosing a backdrop that is solid and free of clutters or patterns is a good idea; nevertheless, it should be close to a light source is even more important. When the lighting is just right, you might attempt to select a room that is facing northwards or southwards, for example. Natural light is often considered to be superior to artificial light since it illuminates your face at a more favorable angle when compared to the latter.

For those who like full-on natural light and want to shoot their shots outdoors, shaded areas are preferable and will result in far better-looking photos. Also take note that when you are exposed to too much natural light, your features may quickly get washed out, particularly when the light is coming straight at you.

If you can’t shoot your shot with natural light against a plain background, you may choose to use artificial light that has been appropriately angled. You may be able to locate someone who would hold a light for you at an angle such that the light would’ve entered through the window. You may even want to consider purchasing an LED ring light. However, under no circumstances should you use the flash on your phone or camera.

Furthermore, avoid standing against a wall but instead aim to be a few feet in front of it to establish distance from your backdrop. This way, once you snap the shot, your face will be in focus. On the other hand, the background will be somewhat blurry, making you stand out.

3. Strike a Pose

The images you take do not have to be shot while standing perfectly still; instead, you should be spontaneous and have fun with them. Try a few other stances, such as placing your hands on your hips or crossing your arms. You may also stand at a 45-degree angle from the camera, among other things. Keeping a smile on your face is something you should remember.

Attempt a few more candid photos, which is clearly tough when everything is set up, however, inject some humor into the mix by having someone say anything amusing outside the frame. The more you explore, the more alternatives you’ll have, and the greater the likelihood that you’ll be satisfied with a few of those possibilities.

Furthermore, posture can easily be overlooked when you are preoccupied with everything else; thus, consider this a gentle tip to pull your shoulders back and stand tall. For those who find it difficult to maintain a straight posture in front of the camera, a stool may be used to support your weight.

4. Take the Photo

This is the phase in which things get more technical and in which the points made in the previous levels are shown and proven. Generally, you want to find somebody that can take pictures for you, but you want them to be taken at the correct angles; in this instance, you must ensure that the camera is situated at eye level. Watch your posture and make sure you are not gazing up or down at the camera. Furthermore, the focus is highly essential. It is impossible to utilize a photo that is not properly focused since it would appear bad. When shooting the picture, you must make sure that the lens is clean before proceeding. Cleaning the lens may be done using a cotton swab.

If it isn’t possible to have another person take the picture for you, you’ll want to put your phone up upon anything sturdy, such as a table or a tripod, to obtain a good shot. Here, a timer must be used. This should be done in standard camera mode rather than selfie mode, since the latter may affect the picture. In such situations, portrait photos work best.


To conclude, natural light is essential for taking the finest headshots at home; putting on a smile is recommended; your look ought to be neat but also professional whilst being true to your unique style, and you must take many pictures so that you have a variety to pick from. This is how you will be seen in your professional environment, therefore creating a positive first impression. We hope this will assist you in getting the best headshot photos possible.